Nutritional Value and Heath Benefits of Watermelon. ~ LIFESTYLE TO ALL

Nutritional Value and Heath Benefits of Watermelon.

Why You Should Eat Watermelon in Summer ?

Why You Should Eat Watermelon in Summer.

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) may be a scrambling and trailing vascular plant within the spermatophyte Cucurbitaceae. The species originated in southern continent, with proof of its cultivation in Ancient Egypt. 

It's fully grown in tropical and climatic zone areas worldwide for its massive green goods, additionally called a watermelon, that may be a special quite berry with a tough rind and no internal division, botanically referred to as a pepo. The sweet, juicy flesh is typically crimson to pink, with several black seeds, though seedless varieties are cultivated. The fruit will be consumed raw or preserved and also the rind is edible once change of state.

Nutritional  Value of Watermelon

Watermelon fruit is 91% water, contains 6% sugars, and is low in fat.

In a 100 gram serving, watermelon fruit supplies 30 calories and low amounts of essential nutrients. Vitamin C is present in appreciable content at 10% of the Daily Value. Watermelon pulp contains carotenoids, including lycopene.

Watermelon is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6 , niacin and a wide variety of carotenoids and phytonutrients . Magnesium, potassium and fibers are also present.

5 - Health Benefits of Watermelon

Good for Heart.
Watermelon reduces blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. According to the researches "Watermelon supplementation reduced aortic BP [blood pressure] and myocardial oxygen demand during CPT [cold pressor test] and the magnitude of the cold-induced increase in wave reflection in obese adults with hypertension. Watermelon may provide cardioprotection by attenuating cold-induced aortic hemodynamic responses."

Related Article: Keep Your Heart Healthy.

Keep Your Body Hydrated.

It consist 91 % water means that eating watermelon with you on a hot summer day is a tasty way to help you stay hydrated and avoid dehydration (it's not a substitute for drinking plenty of fresh water, however). The high amount of water in watermelons also stimulates a release of excess liquid in the form of sweat, which cools your body further during hot summer days.

Related Article: How to Maintain Hydration in Summer

Prevent Macular Degeneration

Lycopene helps protect against oxidative damage and inflammation, found in several parts of eye. Lycopene's role as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound may help prevent AMD from developing and getting worse.

Good for Skin

Due to presence of high amount of vitamin C, It helps to promotes to remove dead cell and repair skin cells. Lycopene and caroteniods may also help to protect your skin from sunburn.

Boost Sex Power 
According to 2008 research from Texas A&M University’s department of horticultural sciences. Watermelon contains 92% water and eight percent phytonutrient which convert to arginine, an amino acid that relaxes blood vessels.

Watermelon is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It may helps to increase blood flow in erectile tissues and also boost the blood flow in women genitals which increases bliss.
Watermelon works like tomatoes, contains the antioxidant lycopene, which is in the same family as carotene and therefore has the same beneficial antioxidant effects.

Related Article: Boost Sex Power by Natural Foods

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Written by Chandan Shrivastav on 26 Feb 2018

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