Liver Cirrhosis Causes, Symptoms and Prevention. ~ LIFESTYLE TO ALL

Liver Cirrhosis Causes, Symptoms and Prevention.

Liver-Cirrhosis is the second most serious disease of the liver after liver cancer. In 2010 liver disease caused 10 lacs deaths in the world. As per reports published by World Health Organization, problem of liver is the 10th leading cause of death in India and 250 lacs people suffer from Liver disease in the country. It is also estimated that 10 lacs patients are being suffered with liver disease per year in the country. Know about the most serious disease of the liver. 

Liver Cirrhosis Disease with Symptoms & Prevention.

Liver does many important functions including production of bile in the body and digestion of the food. But when it does not work properly, many problems are to create. Liver cirrhosis is one of them. In this case, liver-tissues begin to be damaged and liver-texture starts to become abnormal. Resultantly it starts shrinking. (Read More: What is Bile & its functions )

Causes of the Liver Cirrhosis:
1.    Consuming alcohol for a long period.
2.    Accumulation of fat in the liver.
3.    Damage of liver tissues due to hepatitis C, can cause this disease.
4.    Cancer of bile-duct and cancer of pancreas which block the bile duct may be a cause of liver cirrhosis.

Symptoms of the Liver Cirrhosis:
The symptoms is detected in very late stages when liver is reached just to fail and liver disease spreads widely.

Some of external symptoms which may appear at the final stages:
1.  Itching in the skin due to the delay in the treatment of open wounds and the removal of blood or rubbing easily in the skin.
2.  Yellowing of skin and yellowing of white part of the eye like in the symptoms of jaundice.
3.  Swelling in the lower part of legs.
4.  Abnormal increase or decrease in the weight.
5.  Difficulty in respiration and feeling the weakness in the muscles due to high heart-rate.
6.  As toxic substances are not getting out from blood they reach the brain and create illusions, lethargy and speaking.

Other problems due to liver cirrhosis, which may be felt:

1.    Additional accumulation of ammonia due to liver damage   affects the functioning of brain.
2.    High blood pressure which nourishes the liver.
3.    Excessive inflammation of the stomach.
4.    Increase in bleeding infections.
5.    Poor digestion resulting in malnutrition.
6.    Jaundice.
7.    Weakness of the bone.
8.    Liver cancer.
9.    Potential multiple organ failure and stops functioning to create    other problems.

Important information relating to disease:
         Persons suffering from non alcoholic fatty liver disease should reduce their weight and keep the blood sugar in control. Obesity may be a main cause of bigger liver cirrhosis than alcohol.
Diabetic persons may have high risk of the disease and have to be got tested once in a year. (Read more: FOODS THAT SAVE YOUR LIVER )

Some ways to be saved from disease:
1.  Are you over-weight or not. It may be measured with your Body Mass Index. Body Mass index is a simple calculation using a person’s height and weight. The formula of BMI = weight in kilograms divided by height in metres squared. If the index is from 18.5 to 24.9 and your age is between 18 yrs to 65 yrs, you are not over-weight. A BMI of 25 and above is over-weight. 
    (Best ways to Reduce your Weight)
     Adopt such weight loss programs which have no opposite effect on glucose levels in the body.
2.  Immediately start medicines and treatment to protect the liver from any more damage on appearing of hepatitis- indications.
3.  Take substantial amount of nutrients in case of dietary deficiencies because malnutrition increases the likelihood of skin sensitivity or frequent fatigue and also loss of bone density.                                                                                                      Take adequate fruits and vegetables, beans, poultry or fish as a part of diet. Also take low sodium diet to combat fluid formation.
4.  Maintain blood pressure within the normal range and reduce pressure in the stomach nerves to remove stress thereat.
5.  Take antibiotic treatments for infectious diseases, monitor regularly of cancer risks and drugs that prevent the accumulation of toxic substances .

All above are for just information and not equivalent to your treatment. For proper treatment you have to consult your doctor.
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