Best Exercises To Reduce Weight ~ LIFESTYLE TO ALL

Best Exercises To Reduce Weight

Want to fit into figured shape like a model or to be shaped like a muscular person and have your friends dying to know the secret without a question of your sex whether you are man or woman. The only answer to your desire is exercise. Exercise means any physical activity which can continuously rise and lower your heart- rate, is beneficial for your overall health. Because it improves vascular function, burns calories and also helps in reducing your weight by making the body more efficient at clearing fat and sugar from the blood. (Read more: Weight Loss tips )

Reduce Your Weight by Simple Exercise.

Keep in your view that weight loss is more of a mental challenge than a physical challenge. You have to think every morning when you get up that “I can reduce my weight by doing regular exercise.” And determine not to give up. Only you can make a difference by taking care of your body.

Six best exercises to reduce your weight:

1.  Walking:                 

     It is easiest exercise to reduce weight and with low intensity too. Whether you rack up on treadmill or hit the road, brisk walking is a must. Equipped well by wearing supportive, comfortable walking shoes, turning the music and start moving.

Always remember that 30 minutes of brisk walking daily burns about 150 calories a day. In case you are beginner, start it for at least 20 minutes at alternate days in a week.  And increase the frequency and duration up to 30 to 60 minutes per day and six days in a week.

You can also include running if you can do. At an early stage for running, start out a brisk walk and add 1 to 2 minutes of running every minutes of walking.

Getting more fit you can increase the minutes you run until     you don’t need to walk in between.

2.   Swimming: 

        Swimming is a safe alternative in case you have joint problems that walking and running can aggravate. But in swimming you have to face multi directional resistance provided by water that will improve your muscular strength and tone. It burns fat, trims inches and helps to get stronger and healthier. Any type of swimming if done vigorously, it can burn up 500 to 700 calories per hour.  Swimming is a highly effective exercise for weight loss and tone.

3.  Dancing:  

 a. Zumba: Dancing is a enjoyable and effective way to improve your fitness if you are not thinking to go to gym. Focus on Zumba because it is all about loosening up and burning calories. It also relieves stress, increase energy and improves strength.

It includes vigorous exercise and movements with high intensity which helps sculpt the body. So join Zumba classes.     
b. Bhangra: You can enjoy dancing with the traditional Bhangra moves with the dynamism of Bollywood rhythms. And you can modify it to your comfort level and can make accessible to all ages if you dance in a group. Around 500 calories you can burns per class. It shapes the shoulders tones arms and sculpts the back. The beats of the dhol induce anyone who is grown up and listening, to make their feet tapping on the floor.

c. Free Style Dance: Any form of dance, mix of Bollywood, Bhangra and Belly Dance- all in one like a Friday night party or in any ceremony it burns up to 1000 calories.  So to have some fun, feel the beat, start moving and dance off your weight.     

4.   Strength Training: 
Strength Training

       Workouts with weights help you slim down and rev your metabolism permanently. Longer workouts are not better workouts. Intense workouts result in shedding pounds and in building muscles. Go on, workout with weights.

5.  Interval or circuit training:                                                              
    Circuit training means moving quickly from one exercise to the next. It burns 30 % more calories than a typical exercise. It blasts fat and burns 10 calories per minute.

6.  Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation:  
Surya Namashkar

         Widely being practiced this is one of basis yoga asanas. It focuses on various parts of the body and work wonders in weight loss. It includes a series of 12 poses e.g., prayer pose, forward bend and others. It strengthens your entire skeleton system and ligaments and keeps your body active. It helps in reducing stress and anxiety.  By keeping breathing in and out during the poses, you may lose more weight.


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