How to Maintain Hydration in Summer Season.
In summer season, this question is always arises that how to maintain hydration in our body. There are three types of hydration given below:
1. Mineral Hydration: An inorganic chemical reaction
where water is added to the crystal structure of a mineral.
2. Drinking in general, including: Oral rehydration
therapy, hydration as a health treatment. Rehydration, health concern in the
management of dehydration
3. Tissue Hydration, the supply and retention of adequate
water in biological tissues.
7- Tips to maintain hydrate in our body.
Water is most important
fluid to maintain hydrate. You should drink atleast 10-20 glasses of water. Every
human body is differ to another one. So, the actual amount of water is not
specify. If you are concerned that you are not drinking enough water, check
your urine. If your urine is usually colorless or light yellow, you are well
hydrated. If your urine is a dark yellow or amber color, you may be dehydrated.
Milk is Better than Water.
Dehydration in summer is a common problem in children
become dehydrated during exercise, and it's important they get enough fluids,
particularly before going into a second round of a game. Milk is better than
either a sports drink or water because it is a source of high quality protein,
carbohydrates, calcium and electrolytes.
Coconut Water
There’s a reason people go nuts for this tropical drink.
Unlike sports beverages, coconut water is low in carbohydrates, while still
rich in potassium. And its unsweetened varieties can be very hydrating
(assuming you like its unique taste). According to a study in Medicine &
Science in Sports & Exercise, the all-natural beverage is effective in
rehydrating after light exercise. But for more rigorous sweat sessions, the low-sodium
drink does come up short in replenishing the salt your body loses.
Super Fruits to Boost Your Hydration
Banana, dates, carrot and grapes are good source of
electrolytes and fluids. All these fruits having high amount of electrolyte
potassium, making them a great option for hydrating during an intense workout.
It is important to drink water because fruit contains some water but not as
much as your water bottle.
Super Foods for Hydration.
Adequate hydration will keep your summer activities safer
and much more enjoyable. If you need to increase your fluid intake, keep an
extra pitcher of water with fresh lemons, limes, or cucumber in the
Symptoms of Dehydration
Little or no urine.
· Urine
that is darker than usual.
· Dry
· Sleepiness
or fatigue.
· Headache
· Confusion
· Dizziness
or lightheadedness.
· No
tears when crying.
But don’t wait for 2-3
symptoms, try to maintain hydration to your body if any one of them is noticed.
Avoids Beverages
Alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, such as coffee,
teas, and colas, are not recommended for optimal hydration. These fluids tend
to pull water from the body and promote dehydration.
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Written by Chandan Shrivastav on dated 18 Feb 2018
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Written by Chandan Shrivastav on dated 18 Feb 2018
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