Deep Connection with Your Partner. ~ LIFESTYLE TO ALL

Deep Connection with Your Partner.

Deep Connection with Your Partner.

Man always want to see a naked girl but he can not express his feelings to any girl because few wives or girlfriends show her angriness. Every girl wants foreplay and sex but she hide her own feelings. If they share feelings by bottom of heart, they discover a new world which is called LOVE.  In love we are not talking about only physically.
Happyness, Sadness, Hurting by some one, and all kinds of feelings those we feel alone, if we share these feelings to any guy. That means this guy and our self are in LOVE. If u really sharing this kinds of feelings.

Intimacy is often mistaken for physical closeness, such as hugging, cuddling, kissing, and sex. Yet, if there is no deep connection & emotional intimacy, physical intimacy can only go so far.
For many people, physical intimacy comes easier than emotional intimacy. To truly open up to a partner, we need to feel safe. We need to be able to share our fears, mistakes, and pains.

In order to create a deep connection with your partner, you need to be able to connect deeply with yourself first.

If you are not comfortable with yourself, you cannot fully receive someone else. No matter how hot the sex, if emotional intimacy is blocked the relationship becomes limited.

3 Easy Ways - Love & Deep Connection to your own.

Todays, our deep connection with our technology but not our own body.

1.Avoid Excessive Use of Technology

We are glued to our laptops and smartphones and therefore have become unaware of how we carry ourselves. These products are not our whole life.
It makes sense, then, that the less we use technology, the more we open ourselves up to self-awareness.

Nature can have a calming effect and reminds us to slow down, take deep breaths and soak up the present moment. Go for a bushwalk, run on the beach, lay in the grass at the park, or do stretches by the water.This is one of the simplest ways to clear your mind. Pay attention to what’s around you and see everything through new eyes of awe and appreciation.

2.I fell In Love with Myself.

Mainstream education doesn’t teach us about body awareness and how to listen to our intuition. We reward rational intellect but have forgotten to nurture our emotional and physical intelligence.
Caring for your emotional intelligence and making it part of your lifelong learning will help you develop yourself and build intimate relationships with others.
We can become so busy ticking off to-do lists and catching up with others that we forget to check in with ourselves. So schedule in a weekly solo expedition to get to know yourself a bit better. Take yourself for a coffee, visit a gallery exhibition, read a book, take a creative class or visit a new part of town.
At the end of this course, you will be able to: 

3.Meditation:  You need to slowdown and begin to look deep within yourself, which you can do in three ways, namely concentration, meditation and concentrated meditation. The last one is often called Samyama.While practicing them, your aim should be to make your mind come to a total rest.
·         Meditate easily and effortlessly.
·         Experience many levels and depths of meditation.
·         Reduce stress.
·         Increase your health & vitality.
·         Receive many of the life enriching benefits that come from meditation.

Written by Chandan Shrivastav on dated 18 Feb 2018

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