6-Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger. ~ LIFESTYLE TO ALL

6-Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger.

       6 - Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger

Your grandma may be onto one thing once she advises you to drink ginger tea at the primary sign of a cold. whereas ancient} root has long been touted a sick-day cure-all in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic drugs, the general health advantages of ginger ar wide-ranging.

Ginger Traditional Health Benefits.

Mature ginger rhizomes are fibrous and nearly dry. The juice from ginger roots is often used as a seasoning in Indian recipes and is a common ingredient of Chinese, Korean, Japanese and many South Asian cuisines for flavoring dishes such as seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes.

It fights Colds
fights colds

So why do we suck on ginger lozenges when we’re sick? The same gingerols that fight inflammation also have antimicrobial and antifungal properties to help fight infections and boost your immunity. Steal Brissette’s speedy-recovery go-to: Mix hot water with two tablespoons of fresh grated ginger, juice of one lemon, and half a tablespoon of honey. Or, toss a teaspoon into chicken soup for some added cold-fighting benefits.

Reduce Cholesterol
Reduce Cholesterol.

Researchers of a study published in the journal "Food and Function" in 2013 state that the mechanism by which ginger may lower cholesterol is well understood by scientists and other researchers. They explain that ginger activates an enzyme that increases your body's use of cholesterol and lowers it. Several studies show that ginger can lower experimentally induced high cholesterol in animals, but more studies on ginger's effect on humans with high cholesterol are needed before the substance can be touted as a treatment for high cholesterol.
Ginger can help lower LDL cholesterol levels (the bad kind!), reducing your risk of heart disease. What’s more is that its blood-thinning properties could help prevent the formation of blood clots, reducing your risk of heart and stroke. She warns that if you already take blood-thinning medications, check with your doctor before having more ginger.
Improve Digestion
Improve Digestion

Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating discomfort and pain in the stomach. It is regarded as an excellent carminative, a substance that promotes the elimination of excessive gas from the digestive system and soothes the intestinal tract.

A cup of ginger tea could help your stomach empty faster so food doesn't just sit there after an indulgent meal. It'll help calm your stomach and stave off bloating and gas. In general, ginger is also a good remedy for nausea, whether you’re on a bumpy road trip, recovering from chemotherapy, or cursing pregnancy’s morning-sickness symptoms.
Pain Reliever 
The fresh juice of ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is known to act is a pain reliever. A very effective remedy for back pain is to mix a spoonful of ginger juice with some olive oil and massage it over your skin. Leave it overnight and you will feel relieved the next morning. It can also help in curing a toothache or a pulsating migraine headache. For a toothache, it is best to keep a small piece of ginger between you cheek and tooth and let the natural juices do the work. For migraine, drink two tablespoons of ginger juice with honey. You can even rub some ginger juice on your stomach to get relieve from a sinus headache.
Removes Bad Breath
It also contains aromatic property. The Vit.C in ginger juice helps in killing the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath. Mix a spoonful of ginger juice with some lime in warm water and gargle for few minutes.
A Cure for Acne       

A Cure for Acne

This is easily understandable as acne is an inflammatory condition and ginger is known got its anti-inflammatory properties. It is a natural and effective treatment for acne and acne scars. You can directly apply a small amount of ginger juice on the affected area and leave it on for 5 minutes. Rinse with cool water and let it dry. The Vitamin C in ginger juice can help in clearing skin blemishes. You can even use the juice to make ginger tea which is great for detoxifying the skin. Brew the ginger juice with tea leaves, add some honey and lemongrass to reap more beauty benefits and drink up.
Ginger juice can help remove toxins from the skin and supply more iron through the blood that will leave you with a healthy glow. It can also be applied on cuts or wounds to heal them naturally and prevent scarring."

Written by Chandan Shrivastav on dated 18 Feb 2018

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