Try These Amazing Cool
Juices in this Summer.
friends as you know that hot summer is awaited so try to avoid those drinks
which only increase your sugar and harm your body. Juice is a beverage
made from the extraction or pressing out of the natural liquid contained in
fruit and vegetables. It can also refer to liquids that are flavored with these
or other biological food sources such as meat and seafood (e.g., clam juice).
in this summer would you like to drink something healthy which provides you
electrolytes, cooling effect and gives energy to your body?
Try These Healthy Juices.
Peppermint Juice:
Peppermint is one of the best drinks.
It is very helpful in solving the problems of sunstroke, fever, burning,
vomiting and gas. Drinking it stays in the stomach. To make this juice, first
grind the mint leaves in water and grind it. Then add black salt, sugar and
roasted cumin powder according to the taste in it.
Watermelon Juice:
Watermelon is the coolest of all fruits to come in the summer. It contains 91 percent water. This is considered a very good source of antioxidants and potassium. If you do not like to eat watermelon, then its juice can also be drunk. If the juice is very sweet then you can drink it by adding black salt.
Related Articles: Why You Should Eat Watermelon in the Summer.
Sugarcane Juice:
Related Articles: How to Maintain Hydration in Summer.
Lemon Juice:
best option for high sugar drink is lemonade. It is also very beneficial for
diabetic patients as well as those who reduce obesity. After being late for
long in the sun, after drinking lemonade, the lost energy can be found again.
It can also be drunk to remove the nervousness. Mixing black salt in lemon pie
is good for both taste and health.
Related Articles: Nutrional Value & Benefits of Lemons
Unripe Mango Juice:
Indian it is known as ‘Carri’. Carri should drink tea to avoid sunburn in the
high heat. Vitamin C contains very high amounts. If the drink is taken out of
the house, then the effect of sunlight is low on the body and the body hydrate
remains. To make this, mash the boiled carrots in the water and drink cumin
powder, black pepper, black salt and sugar in it.
Related Article: Amazing Health Benefits of Mangoes
Related Article: Amazing Health Benefits of Mangoes
Other Uses of Juices:
is commonly consumed as a beverage or used as an ingredient or flavoring in
foods or other beverages, such as smoothies. Juice emerged as a popular
beverage choice after the development of pasteurization methods allowed for its
preservation without using fermentation (the approach used with wine
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Written by Chandan Shrivastav on dated 03 Mar 2018Thanks for reading our article and share it to improve others health.
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